Pine Grosbeak on a Rowan Tree
29,7 x 42 cm
Graphite pencil, Fabriano paper
The rowan tree is the protagonist of this drawing. initially thought it was a pine grosbeak before set this drawing aside and came across a blog post titled "Return to the Wonder Tree," written by Alan Watson Featherstone, an ecologist, nature photographer, and inspirational speaker who is the founder of the award-winning charity Trees for Life. I fell in love with Alan's blog and finished this drawing right after.
What a curiosity! What a life revolves around a single rowan tree, with observations steadily building an ecological picture of it. Just think about it: if you multiply that by the whole forest, how many stories remain untold? really appreciate this kind of exploration, where you concentrate on a single living object and realize that there's no way to learn everything about it. Yet with each new look, using time and patience, the story unfolds. want to cultivate my own attentiveness through practice. I have already missed so much.
You don't have to travel far, just choose one tree and spend some time with it? It will be happy to see you back weeks later.
I highly recommend Alan's blog: